3 NEW Rap Vocal Effects MADE EASY for BEGINNERS

mixing vocals vocal effects vocals Aug 10, 2023

I'm really excited to share this with you! One of the most well-received areas of my teaching has been vocal effects. Since I made the original "5 Rap Effects" video, many of you have shown interest in learning more hip-hop/rap vocal effects -  so today I would like to deliver!

In this video, I show you how to create 3 NEW rap mixing effects from scratch that can instantly level up your production and make it more interesting! If you're into recording rap, hip-hop, or even pop, I think you'll find this video super insightful.

I won't spoil the surprise, but just to hint what's inside... imagine new formant effects, new stutter effects, blending phrases with trippy reverbs, and more - all made very simple!

Learn the 3 SECRETS to turn your mixes into Spotify-ready
hits inside my Home Mixing Secrets Workshop ✅
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