5 Must-Know Rap Vocal Effects MADE EASY

mixing vocals Oct 24, 2022

 Hey Audio Edgers,

I’ve put together what I hope will be a real treat for you. 🍬🍫

We dive into several different genres at Audio Edges, but this week we are covering 5 Rap Vocal Effects MADE EASY that I KNOW are going to level up your production and mixing game! I’m excited to share this with you because a few of these tricks can’t be found anywhere else - which is why I figured them out on my own over the years to now share with you! ✨

Into rap? Great. Not into rap? No sweat - I still think some of these tricks are still going to be very useful for you. For example, the first tip is how to create a delay throw - which I use in mixing ALL genres including pop, rock, country, and more. I’ll be covering tricks for these other genres too going forward, so stick around and stay tuned! 😊

If you enjoy the video and want to make sure you don't miss upcoming free content, please leave a like and comment, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE! I will be dropping as many gems 💎 for you as possible. After realizing my dream of becoming full-time mix engineer, my new dream and number one goal at Audio Edges is to help you succeed and level up in mixing and production. I hope that this video can be a place to start! 🙏

In this video you’ll learn how to create 5 distinct vocal effects:

  • Delay Throws
  • Formant Shifting
  • Telephone Vocal
  • Stutter Vocal
  • Fast Stutter Transition
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