Audio Interface - Ultimate Home Studio Setup Guide

home studio setup Nov 07, 2022

Hey friend! 

I know setting up a home studio for the first time can be a bit overwhelming. There are new pieces of equipment, wiring it all up, figuring out what you need and don't need, and experimenting to to start making the music in your head come to life.

In the first few years of my career, I set up a makeshift studio in the basement of a small townhouse I was renting with some friends. It wasn't a pro facility, and the space was certainly not ideal for recording, but I was still able to get pro results with a few simple steps. What did I do?

Having studied audio engineering and being familiar with the quality of sound a professional studio could accomplish, I set out to create a space which would yield the best possible quality... all with items which could easily be acquired.

I put all of this into detail in my free e-book, The Ultimate Home Studio Setup Guide, which many of you have downloaded, but I wanted to take it one step further and make a short video introducing you to each component. This week I would like to talk about the first home studio component on the list - the audio interface!

In this first video of the series, I uncover this first key component of a home studio. What exactly does an audio interface do? Which audio interface should I get if I am just starting my home studio? What exactly do I need to know to get started?  We cover all this and more. Just click below to watch and I will see you there! :)

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