How To Compress Modern Pop Vocals

mixing tips mixing vocals Dec 13, 2022

Compression can be a scary word for anyone new to vocal mixing. I totally get it. Even after a while of using compressors, I used to still wonder if I was doing it right. Well, over 500 mixed songs later I've learned that at the end of the day, there's actually no "right" way to use a compressor consistently, because some methods are much better than others in achieving a particular sound.

Let's take pop vocals for example. Compression plays an important role in getting that modern, pumping, up-front sound.

In today's video, I cut right to it and show you the exact compression method I use to mix most pop vocals! It's an easy 3-step method with a little bit of polish along the way, and what you are left with is a vocal up front and a radio-ready sound

In this video, we will talk about:

  • The easy 3-compressor method I use to nail pop vocal mixes 
  • The exact plugins and settings I use 
  • How to get that that beautifully compressed pop vocal sound
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