Do This BETWEEN Recording And Mixing Vocals

editing mixing vocals Feb 16, 2023

So you've recorded your vocal takes, and put together your favourite ones in your final vocal edit. You're ready to mix, right? Actually, there's one more stage that you're missing

This is the stage between recording and mixing that many may ignore it because they may not even realize it exists. If that's you, my friend, not to worry! I'm so excited to tell you about it. I call it "Vocal Prep". And guess what? This is one of the game-changing differences between pro mixes and beginner mixes... I think you will love it!

In today's video, we will go over 3 real examples that will show you exactly what to do! I'll see you in there :)

In this video, we will talk about:

  • How to smoothen your vocal edit to make sure it flows seamlessly
  • Managing painful frequencies and annoying mouth noises up front that ruin the magic later
  • The tools you will need and how to use them for FREE!
Learn the 3 SECRETS to turn your mixes into Spotify-ready
hits inside my Home Mixing Secrets Workshop ✅
Watch FREE Workshop