daw tutorials mixing vocals Jan 31, 2023

Imagine having a beautiful melody in your head, singing and recording your heart out, and ending up with a strong and powerful performance... that sadly falls flat because the pitch is just a little too loose. This is where Melodyne has become a life-saver in the world of music production and mixing.

The reality is, almost every single song you hear today has had the tuning tightened up with a tuning software (Melodyne being one of the most popular). If you're getting into mixing, knowing Melodyne and being able to use it effectively and efficiently is a MUST. Unless, of course, you're familiar with a different tuning software that is already serving you well!

So let's imagine you're just getting into Melodyne and tuning vocals... you're opening up the Melodyne plugin, and now you ask "what the heck do I do now?". Well today's video is for you! In just a few minutes from now, all will be clear.

In this video, we will talk about:

  • Understanding the tools in Melodyne and what they do
  • Exactly how to use the tools to tune vocals correctly
  • Some of my best Melodyne tips that will save you YEARS of tuning-by-hand headaches
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