Microphones - Ultimate Home Studio Setup Guide

home studio setup Nov 08, 2022

I know putting your home studio together can feel like a lot… I’ve been there, piece by piece figuring it all out. But I remember one thing in particular that was so exciting: getting my first studio microphone. I still remember getting my first real studio mic - it was like a kid walking into a candy shop. (Pretty much still is!)

There are a few things you need to know about microphones when getting started so you A) choose the right mic, B) use it properly, and C) understand how it works.

I put all some of this into detail in my free e-book, The Ultimate Home Studio Setup Guide, which many of you have downloaded, but I wanted to take it one step further and make a short video with all-you-need-to-know on home studio microphones.

In this video, we will talk about:

  • How microphones work
  • The three types of microphones and which type to use for what
  • Exactly what you need to get started (with real suggestions!)

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