No Snare Bottom Mic? Do This!

home studio setup mixing drums mixing tips May 29, 2023

Recently I received a song from a band where they recorded their own drums, but for some reason either didn’t have enough inputs to record a snare bottom mic, or didn’t have enough mics, so they just recorded the top. While I did want that bottom rattle sound for the drum recording, it just wasn’t realistic to ask them to re-record everything with a snare bottom mic - bands will often record drums first to have the rhythm to record guitars with and keep everything tight. That would mean messing too much with the established groove of the whole song and it wouldn’t make sense to ask for all that extra work, especially when you can use the trick I’m going to show you today. Today we'll learn how to create a snare bottom mic out of thin air and save the day! Remember, it's all about finding the right balance between the top and bottom snare sounds to create that professional, studio-quality result, so this INSANE little-known trick is a serious hack.

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