You've been lied to. There's no magic vocal chain for vocals. There never was and never will be.

Welcome to your escape route - Vocal Mixing Bootcamp. We train you how to THINK while mixing vocals...

So you not only have the skills, but you develop the instincts for what to do when you mix vocals.


The Truth Behind Vocal Mixing REVEALED

At the beginning of the pandemic, I made a shift from being a local producer/recording engineer, with barely any mixing experience (other than some of my own demos), to focusing on ONLY 100% mixing. In the last three years since, I’ve mixed over 500 songs for clients across every genre imaginable, and a number of them have streamed on mainstream FM & Sirius XM radio across North America, topped radio station download charts in Canada, and landed on major Spotify playlists.

But here's the best and most fulfilling part, I keep getting the same feedback over and over: "How did you make my vocals sound like that?" "My voice sounds amazing!" "I can't believe you got the vocals to sound so good".

Take a look...


Pretty exciting, right?

To go from barely any mixing experience to getting this type of feedback in just a few years...

Now, if you spread out the 500 songs over three years, you might imagine that I spent a large amount of that time mixing, and you’d be right. But in that time I've cracked the code to great sounding vocals in any genre... AND I didn’t need to spend 30 years in a commercial studio to get world-class results.

If you know even a little about mixing music, you know how important it is to nail the vocal mix. It's either breath-taking or it isn't. The vocal mix either makes or breaks the song.

And I didn’t have a big fancy studio with expensive analog gear (if you’ve read my Ultimate Home Studio Setup Guide, you already know this, haha). I just had some basic tools, my ears, and two pandemic years of nothing else to do but mix! Now I’m grateful to say it’s become my full-time gig - I literally mix music all day, every day.

But here’s the thing… With regular life getting back in the swing, most of us don’t have that kind of time anymore. And if mixing and great sounding music is something you are just getting started on now, I would imagine you’d be interested in some real results a little quicker than decades of working at a pro facility, or locking down and obsessing over mixing 24/7 for several years like I did.

Well this is where I have great news. I've developed a brand new training program to completely speed up the process for you, so you can start getting real results, in real time.



3 Days of Insider Video Training

Transform your vocal mixes with years of deep understanding in just days. Turn decades of trial-and-error vocal mixing into days by and learning what actually works and skipping the guessing game.

Vocal Mixing Bootcamp Handbook

Reference important techniques from the program while you are mixing with a follow-along guide. Complete with a list of all the plugins we use, all the settings, and explaining every concept in writing.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

Whether day or night, wherever you are, you will have ongoing access to this program. As I continue updating this course, you will receive free access to all new modules and trainings inside this program. Once you're inside, you're inside!

Day 1: Prepare For Battle - Professional Vocal Editing Revealed

Too many overlook this crucial stage. The hard truth is: if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. We'll talk about preparing your vocal edit for mixing, and the exact steps to take to make sure you can get the cleanest sounding vocals in every mix. 

On Day 1, you will learn how to:

  • Edit and prepare your raw vocal take.
  • Edit breaths to make the vocal sound natural.
  • Ensure clean starts and ends to phrases.
  • Remove clicks, pops, and mouth noises in a vocal using a free resource.
  • Remove plosives (popping P's & B's) that snuck into the vocal edit.
  • Fix a poorly comped vocal with strategic editing.
  • "Frankenstein" words together for a seamless edit using my favourite techniques, including the "S" trick.
  • Regulate vocal volume in the edit before any processing is applied and understand why it's important.
  • Tame resonances and piercing frequencies.
  • Get a clearer and more polished vocal edit. 

Day 2: Processing Magic - Become a Vocal Mixing Wizard

This is the step where we dial in that pro vocal sound. We dial in the tone with EQ, we compress and smooth things out. We make the vocal sparkle. This stage is absolutely key in the vocal mix. If we skip this stage, we’re back into demo territory - and that’s not where we want to go.

On Day 2, you will learn how to:

  • Transform your vocal by carefully and intentionally shaping the sound along the way
  • Remove rumble from vocals
  • Use regular EQ and dynamic EQ effectively
  • Target and fix annoying frequencies - the correct way to sweep frequencies that most get wrong!
  • Apply the Audio Edges "3-Step Compression Technique" to nail that perfectly compressed radio vocal sound
  • Apply analog-style vocal compression techniques and settings to consider
  • Suppress resonances and understand why it's SO EFFECTIVE and popular
  • Get that crispy and sparkling pop vocal sound with a FREE RESOURCE
  • Approach de-essing and understand why engineers have conflicting views (de-essing first vs. de-essing last!)
  • Use a secret parallel processing technique that keeps the vocal consistent and on top of the mix

Day 3: Exploring The Effects Galaxy

At this point, we've baked the cake, and now we get to decorate it with the final touches and effects. Part 3 is that satisfying finale where all the hard work pays off!

On Day 3, we'll cover:

  • All the final polish your vocal needs to be Spotify-ready.
  • My favourite way to add width to your vocal without losing any focus
  • Two kinds of go-to vocal reverbs and their deepest, darkest secrets
  • One magic way to give your reverb its character and make it stand out (barely anyone knows about this!)
  • One industry-secret trick that will make sure your vocal always stays in front of your reverb and never gets washed out - no matter how much you add!
  • The two types of go-to delays that will serve most vocals, and exactly how to craft those delays
  • The exact method I use to know exactly how much reverb/delay is too much - and how much is just right.
  • How to fix the ping-pong delay mistake that EVERYONE makes.
  • How to perform the perfect "Vocal Delay-Throw"
  • How to make the reverb and delay co-operate with EACH OTHER and work together. (If you don't know this, your effects will always fight each other)
  • How to tame your effects, so you never lose control of them and never create a mess
  • How to create a beautiful space for vocals (Creating your "Vocal Galaxy")
  • My EXACT settings and go-to plugins AND how to tweak the settings to be right for your vocal
  • More of my own personal sauce recipe secrets

Meet Your Mixing Mentor

Hi! I’m Alex. I’ve worked on hundreds of songs with artists from around the world. I’m an award-winning engineer, producer, and mixer. But the truth is, it didn't begin so glamorous.

While I was first attending audio school, I was a nobody in the industry. I had no real credits and no commercial success, but I was starting to pick up an understanding of audio recording and mixing. Soon after, I produced a song out of my college bedroom studio that went on to top radio station download charts and headline national news. In this moment, I realized that I don't need a fancy studio or the best gear to get great results. I realized that all of your of results are a direct result of your skillset

With this new perspective, I spent a few years gaining experience as an aspiring producer/engineer locally. I worked in almost every genre from rap to country to recording orchestras, and soon after started mixing indie records for artists around town in my home studio.

Fast forward 3 years, and I mix music full-time, for hundreds of artists around the world. There's no slow down in sight, because I've cracked the code to great sounding mixes in any genre, and with that, the world is available to me!

Now I want to share the secrets with you too.


I don't just teach this stuff - I actually do it.

There are a ton of people teaching producing and mixing, and the vast majority of them make their money by teaching other people an array of tips and tricks they learned online, and the cycle continues - losing multitudes of depth and experience in each layer. So many are selling producing/mixing courses with barely having used the strategies for real paying clients. The difference between this program and others, is that I actually do this, for real. That's right, I use every one of the secrets I'm about to reveal to you. And I've used them successfully on over 500 songs for real artists and paying clients (not just my own unreleased demos).

I've made mixing my full-time job completely from home, have been grateful to work with major artists, win awards, and lecture at colleges to the next generation of creatives. In 2023 alone, I've already worked with over 100 students, teaching what goes into making a great song.

I'm confident you will love this course because I made it to serve YOU. I'll be honest, I didn't really need to create a course. I can happily keep busy mixing songs, and that's exactly why I feel I can offer this to you at such a low price right now - with so much inexperienced information floating around, I feel it's my obligation for anyone wanting to get seriously good at mixing, to get their information from a real source.

Otherwise, you might as well be paying to go backwards. The wrong mentor or a bad "bet on a flier" can immediately turn someone away from this pursuit - forever. Makes sense. After all, if we touch a hot stove, we tend never to do it again. Thing is if we learn to use that stove, it can heat our homes for decades. There is a learning curve, and it requires effort to keep the fire burning. But the outcome is so rewarding. I'm inviting you to take this journey with me.


Chris SD

Founder, The Sync Songwriter/Sundown Sessions

"Alex has mixed some of our top studio tracks at Sundown Sessions Studio and we couldn’t be happier!"

Mike Roth

Former Sr. VP of A&R, Sony Music

"Alex’s production and mixing is world class. He brings every song and track he works on to life… his taste is impeccable!"

Mikael H.

Music Producer & Artist

"Alex coached me in mixing my three last tracks and helped me to significantly improve my own mixing skills. The results of our coaching session helped me to get my first contract signed with a record label."

Think like a pro. Mix like a pro. Ready to reveal the secrets behind professional vocal mixing?

Join Now

This is what our viewers say about our free content...

... imagine what we have in store for you when you join!

Here are some real comments our students have left inside the course!

I spent years figuring this out... so you don't have to.

From the years of studying in audio school, taking various mixing programs and coaching... from learning mixing through trial-and-error, and which plugins and software are worthwhile (and which are just fluff)... from every tutorial imaginable... it has cost me well over $25,000 to get to the point where I know what I know now. And I've poured every drop of these key insights into this program so that you never have to jump through the hoops that I did to get a great vocal sound. If you've ever heard the saying, a good program can "turn a decade into days", then you'll know what my mission has been in creating this for you. And this program won't cost anywhere near $25,000.

If I didn't believe in giving as a core value, it would probably feel wrong to give this away with such a low price tag to begin with. And to be honest, I don't know how long it will be before the price goes up again - because I keep adding updated modules to the course to pour as much value as I can into this. All updates which you get for free forever once you're inside.

If you're looking to take that next big step forward, and start getting actual results in your vocal mixes, I made this for you. I want to deliver you a rock-solid training that takes you through the entire process, step-by-step, taking out all the guesswork, and delivering as much value to you as I can. So when you sign up today, you’ll receive instant access to the entire ‘Vocal Mixing Bootcamp’ program for just one easy investment of $147!


Ok, just to sweeten the deal a little more. If you join now, I will be including an entire bonus exclusive training segment called "The Modern Mixer Mindset", in addition to the main core program, completely for free. Trust me, I don't think you want to miss this. Just because this is the primary launch of Vocal Mixing Bootcamp, I wanted to do something special just for you. With your investment, you will receive "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training, which is an incredible resource that will help tie the course together, as well as show you a glimpse into getting some momentum in your mixing career. This alone has a notable value - from individual coaching sessions, it would cost upwards of $250 to get through this material, but I'll be adding this course to your training completely for free if you join today!


If you join today, here is what you will be receiving:

  • All 3 Core Modules of the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp program ($2500 Value)
  • Vocal Mixing Bootcamp PDF Handbook ($50 Value)
  • "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training ($250+ Value)

All yours today for $147!

No sneaky hidden costs, no update fees. Unlike plugin and software companies forcing you into annoying subscription plans... this training is yours to keep. Once you're in, you're in!

Think of the money you'll save when you can mix vocals on your own... the money you'll make when you can confidently offer vocal mixing services in the future... the satisfaction you'll feel when your vocals sound so great that your friend asks "WOW, who mixed that?", and you say "I did!". If this sounds like the right fit for you, jump inside - we'll be glad to have you! :)

Now, if for some reason you prefer not to have the bonuses, that's totally fine! You'll still receive all 3 core modules, but simply without the bonus handbook and extra exclusive training.

The Choice is Yours...

Pick whichever version of the course is right for you! 

(I don't know how long I will be able to keep the price this low, as I'm constantly adding value to this course and building it out - all updates which you get inside for free, for life. Join now before the price goes up!)



Top features

  • All 3 days of the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp program (3 core video modules of in-depth training)
  • Lifetime access to training with continued access to newly updated modules
  • BONUS: Vocal Mixing Bootcamp Handbook
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training




  • All 3 days of the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp program (3 core video modules of in-depth training)
  • Lifetime access to training with continued access to newly updated modules
  • BONUS: Vocal Mixing Bootcamp Handbook
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training
  • (You might find some additional surprise material inside 😊)

What Our Students Are Saying...

Michael Malcolm

Alex's mixing course straight up took my vocals to new heights, transcending my sound from borderline amateur to professional with ease. I'm mad grateful for the invaluable knowledge gained and the impact it's had on my music!

Get on the inside totally risk free! 

The only way you can make a fully informed decision and see if the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp is the right fit for you, is on the inside, not the outside.

I want to invite you to get on the inside and see if everything we say about the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp is true and valuable to you.

Then, if it is, that’s when you decide to keep it. For the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking at the inside of it, I want you to make your decision once you're on the inside, and I'm going to ensure that you can make that decision 100% risk free.

Vocal Mixing Bootcamp comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee for a total of 30 days.

Just to make this a no brainer.

Just to remove any doubt out of the equation.

Just to make sure that this experience is 100% totally risk free for you.

You can go through the product, check it out, jump into all of the material - and if you don’t love it within the first 30 days - I will give you a complete refund.

I am a big believer in generosity as a person and in my business, and if you’re not satisfied with your purchase I wouldn’t feel right in keeping your money.

So if at any point within the first 30 days, you feel Vocal Mixing Bootcamp hasn’t delivered or it wasn’t the product you expected it to be - just send me an email and I will give you a 100% complete refund.

You’ll get all of your money back - no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove - no questions asked - All because your satisfaction is what matters to me.

Jump inside the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp today it’s a safe and totally risk free decision!

And I believe it's one of the best decisions you can make for your music career.

"True progress is made travelling to the edge of knowledge, then a leap taken. When you are willing to walk over the edge, you finally discover where your best music lies."

Some Commonly Asked Questions...




Top features

  • All 3 days of the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp program (3 core video modules of in-depth training)
  • Lifetime access to training with continued access to newly updated modules
  • BONUS: Vocal Mixing Bootcamp Handbook
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training




  • All 3 days of the Vocal Mixing Bootcamp program (3 core video modules of in-depth training)
  • Lifetime access to training with continued access to newly updated modules
  • BONUS: Vocal Mixing Bootcamp Handbook
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training