My full video breakdown of a professional mix... where you follow along and get real results at home!


I just sent the tracks to your inbox...

Here’s why I’m REALLY EXCITED for you!


Completing your first real professional level mix, from start to finish, is a HUGE learning experience, but it doesn't take a huge commitment to get it done! It's just one song... BUT just completing your first real mix can make a serious difference in your skills! Here’s why. The difference you’ll make in your skillset from mixing your first 1-10 songs will give you DRASTIC improvements in your skills, much more than the small improvements you would get from mixing songs #357-367 later in your career. Those first few good mixes you do, are when you really start to figure out how things work and hear a major difference. You get what I mean?

So the key here is push you forward through your first real mixes now… so you can see that early exponential growth for your mixing skills as soon as possible! That’s why I wanted to give you these tracks to mix. But I’ll do you one better:

Watching YouTube videos is cool, practicing hands on mixing is even better, but practicing mixing WHILE being guided by a coach? That’s the golden ticket right there. From what I've seen, this is the killer combo for results. What if while mixing your first songs, you had a guide to show you the ropes? What if you don’t burn through your time with endless trial and error? You can learn what works, and what doesn't, right off the bat? Well, you’d cut your time to start seeing results WAY down!

So today I'd like to offer you an exclusive video training to go perfectly along with the practice tracks you've just downloaded!

This will be a video training going through MY OWN MIX of the EXACT tracks that are sitting in your inbox right now. You can follow along while you mix, jump back and forth between my video training and your session, and try the techniques for yourself in real time with your own tools! It's full immersion learning - and as you know, hands-on close-up coaching has been proven to be way more effective than boring lectures from a distance.

I created this to be a transformational tool for you, but it doesn't end there. For this one-time offer, I'm throwing in some CRAZY bonuses to help you get real results faster.


*Exclusive to this one-time offer only*

 BONUS #1 | Mixed Multitracks

In addition to the video training, I'm going to give you my exact MIXED tracks that you see on screen. That's right, you can bring the finished mixed tracks into your DAW alongside the dry tracks! If you'd like hear exactly how I mixed the stems that are in your inbox right now, I've got you covered! You can listen back and forth to the mixed and unmixed versions to enhance your mix practice.


Just to sweeten the deal a little more. If you join today, I will be including an entire bonus exclusive training called "The Modern Mixer Mindset", in addition to everything else, completely for free. I put a ton of work into just this training alone, and I don't think you want to miss this. With your access, you will receive "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training, which is an incredible resource that will help you get in the headspace of a professional mix engineer, and show you how to get momentum in your mixing career. This alone has a notable value - from individual coaching sessions, it would cost upwards of $250 to get through this material, but I'll be adding this 3-part mini course to your training completely for free with this one-time offer!

BONUS #3 | PERSONAL FEEDBACK (*Next 10 Students Only*)

Like I said, completing a mix from start to finish is something to celebrate. So I’d like to give you a gift today, from me to you. For the next 10 students that jump inside the video training, I’m going to personally listen to your version of the mix and give you feedback! Send it to me when it’s done and after you’ve tried out some of the techniques from the training, if there are any tweaks I’d still suggest on your mix, I’ll let you know and give you some personal feedback!



I spent years figuring this out... so you don't have to.

From the years of studying in audio school, taking various mixing programs and coaching... from learning mixing through trial-and-error, and which plugins and software are worthwhile (and which are just fluff)... from every tutorial imaginable... it has cost me well over $25,000 to get to the point where I simply know what I know now.

If you’re here on this special offer page, you won’t pay anywhere near that to learn my entire mixing workflow.

I’ll be honest, my mixing career has been good to me and I don’t urgently need your money. Coming from a place of giving, I designed this to help YOU, because I believe helping others achieve their best music is my greater mission beyond mixing. BUT I also know, if you don't invest in something (and get some skin in the game), you’re less likely to follow through, and therefore, less likely to get results. I say it because I know it’s true for me! If I BUY a course, I know I’m actually going to DO the action steps (and see results) because I invested some skin in the game. If I just get another free training… well… add it to the pile with the rest. So with that out if the way, here’s my criminally low, just-this-once, today-only, one-time-then-it’s-gone offer for you...

Today you’re going to get everything we talked about for just $27!


Join now with this one-time exclusive offer and you'll receive:

  • ProTracks Exclusive Video Training to follow along with your multitracks to mix ($500 Value)
  • BONUS: Mixed multitracks to practice with alongside the dry multitracks
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" 3-Part Training Series ($250+ Value)
  • BONUS: Personal feedback from me on your version of the mix (If this page is still up, I'm still offering this limited time bonus) ($50 Value)

All yours today for $27!

*My friend, I do have to remind you that this is a one-time offer and after today I won’t be able to offer you this special deal again. I totally understand if it’s not the right fit for you, but I know that if you’re even remotely interested in mixing, that this training will help you a TON.*

Are You Ready To Take REAL Action Towards Professional Mixes?

Invest In Your Skillset Now!

(This price will be going up soon, so get inside with this low price and the bonuses while you can)




  • Pro-Tracks Exclusive Video Training to follow along with your multitrack to mix ($500 Value)
  • BONUS: Mixed multitracks to practice with alongside the dry multitracks
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training ($250 Value)
  • BONUS: Personal feedback from me on your version of the mix (If this page is still up, I'm still offering this limited-time bonus) ($50 Value)

My friend, I do have to remind you that this is a one-time offer and after today I won’t be able to offer you this special deal again. I totally understand if it’s not the right fit for you, but I know that if you’re even remotely interested in mixing, that this training will help you a TON.


You won't regret investing in your mixing skills, but you will regret releasing mixes you're not happy with, because you didn't commit to learning what goes into a professional-level mix.


I want to make this a no-brainer for you... and with so many producers buying countless individual $29 plugins, I committed myself to creating something at an even lower price that will be way more effective and valuable to you than another plugin on the list.


Join myself and the rest of the Audio Edges community by getting inside the ProTracks Exclusive Training today and start transforming your mixes! 💪


Your Coach

Hi! I’m Alex. And I don't just teach this stuff... I actually do it! 😊 I'm a full-time mix engineer working remotely from my home studio, and I’ve worked on hundreds of songs with artists from around the world. I’m an award-winning engineer, producer, and mixer. But the truth is, it didn't begin so glamorous.

While I was first attending audio school, I was a nobody in the industry. I had no real credits and no commercial success, but I was starting to pick up an understanding of audio recording and mixing. Soon after, I produced a song out of my college bedroom studio that went on to top radio station download charts and headline national news. In this moment, I realized that I don't need a fancy studio or the best gear to get great results. I realized that all of your of results are a direct result of your skillset

With this new perspective, I spent a few years gaining experience as an aspiring producer/engineer locally. I worked in almost every genre from rap to country to recording orchestras, and soon after started mixing indie records for artists around town in my home studio.

Fast forward 3 years, and I mix music full-time, for hundreds of artists around the world. I feel like I've cracked the code to great sounding mixes in any genre, and with that, I'm confident that I can help you do it too!

This is what our viewers say about our free content...

... imagine what we have in store for you when you join!

Here is what some of my students have had to say!

Ivan Santana

"At $27, pro-tracks training is the most no-brainer offer you can take when it comes to improving your craft as a mixer. Alex is a great teacher, and his course is a real eye opener. He's shown that a great sounding mix is the culmination of smaller deliberate decisions that add up to awesome results. I would 100% recommend investing in yourself with this training."

Michael M.

“Alex's mixing course straight up took my vocals to new heights, transcending my sound from borderline amateur to professional with ease. I'm mad grateful for the invaluable knowledge gained and the impact it's had on my music!”

Mikael H.

Alex coached me in mixing my three last tracks and helped me to significantly improve my own mixing skills. The results of our coaching session helped me to get my first contract signed with a record label.




  • Pro-Tracks Exclusive Video Training to follow along with your multitrack to mix ($500 Value)
  • BONUS: Mixed multitracks to practice with alongside the dry multitracks
  • BONUS: "The Modern Mixer Mindset" Exclusive Training ($250 Value)
  • BONUS: Personal feedback from me on your version of the mix (If this page is still up, I'm still offering this limited-time bonus) ($50 Value)